May 2, 2023

Gold vs Silver

Gold Vs Silver: Which One is The Best Investment?

Which do you think is the best to invest in? is it Gold or SIlver? Regardless of which metal you choose, it's important to remember that investing in stocks may offer better returns in the long run. With the availability of diversified index funds, even investors with limited knowledge about investments can easily buy and hold a portfolio of profitable and growing stocks.

Which is a better investment, Gold or Silver? 

Investors who want to protect themselves from inflation and keep their money's value often think about buying gold and silver. Even though both metals have been around for a long time, they have different benefits. Before purchasing, buyers should consider how they would do in different economic situations.

Getting Gold or Silver 

There are several ways for investors to put their money into gold or silver:

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that own the valuable metal Bullion Futures ETFs that invest in mining stocks. Mining stocks provide leverage on the price of gold or silver, but investing in them can be dangerous and take time. 

You can also buy an exchange-traded fund (ETF) with miners to spread your risk. There are pros and cons to each way of getting precious metals. For instance, bullion is less safe than an ETF that holds physical bullion and can be traded on a public market for the total price.

Long-Term Profits-Gold vs Silver 

Robert R. Johnson, Ph.D., CFA, CAIA, a professor of finance at Creighton University, says that gold and silver have yet to do well over time, despite what people think about them. When Johnson looks at how silver and gold have done since 1925, he says:

One ounce of gold cost $20.63 at the end of 1925. One ounce of gold cost $1893.66 at the end of 2020. During that 95-year time, the precious metal gave an annual return of 4.87%.

One ounce of silver cost $0.68 at the end of 1925. One ounce of silver will cost $17.14 at the end of 2020. Over those 95 years, the precious metal gave an annual return of 3.46 percent.

These returns could be more impressive considering that inflation was 2.9% over the same 95-year period. So, rising prices take away a big chunk of these small returns, leaving investors with little growth in their buying power. Still, gold has done better than silver over time.

Inflation Hedging

People often say that gold is a hedge against inflation that helps protect buyers from rising prices. So, when things go wrong on the stock market, many buyers run to gold to ride out the storm.

Gold is a haven asset that makes the market uncertain and causes investors to invest more in protecting its value. But the link between inflation and silver is strong, but not as strong as it is with gold.

Speculative Uses

Investors and industries drive the demand for gold and silver. Investors use gold as an investment, while silver finds more industry applications. Gold is considered a store of value and has limited use in industries. So, industrial services for silver, such as electronics and solar cells, drive its demand.


According to Agrawal, silver tends to be more stable as it rises with economic growth and serves as a haven asset during tough times. But, because the financial market isn't very flexible, the price of silver can change a lot in the short term.

This volatile nature makes silver a riskier investment compared to gold. As an investor, choosing the asset class that best suits your portfolio's risk management requirements is essential.

Choosing Between Gold and Silver

Gold vs Silver

Gold vs Silver

You may invest in either gold or silver based on your situation and the economic climate. Yet, the after-inflation returns of holding either metal could be more impressive.

Instead, investors may consider investing in large-cap stocks with a more attractive return record. According to Johnson, an ounce of gold bought for $20.63 in 1925 would have grown to $225,788 if invested in the S&P 500, resulting in a compound annual return of 10.3 percent.

It means that investors would have had approximately 119 times more money by investing in a diversified portfolio of large stocks than by investing in gold. The discrepancy is even worse when it comes to silver.

Careful Consideration is Key

Before investing in gold or silver, it's essential to consider whether it makes sense for your situation. While it may make sense in the short term or during specific market imbalances, investing in stocks may be a better option over a long time.

Investors should remember that neither gold nor silver creates cash flow. The best long-term strategy is a buy-and-hold approach with a profitable and growing portfolio.

Bottom Line - Gold vs Silver

Both gold and silver can function as haven assets, but gold tends to have a better track record over the long term. But, over shorter periods, the specific dynamics of each market are more important to their respective returns.

Regardless of which metal you choose, it's important to remember that investing in stocks may offer better returns in the long run. With the availability of diversified index funds, even investors with limited knowledge about investments can buy and hold a portfolio of profitable and growth stocks.

To conclude, gold and silver are both highly valued precious metals that have been used for centuries as a store of value and a hedge against inflation.

However, before investing in precious metals it's essential to find a trustworthy company to ensure that your investment is safe and secure.

What I recommend Augusta Precious Metals as your go-to dealer for investing in gold and silver. They have a stellar reputation and are experts at helping investors add physical gold and silver to their portfolios.

learn more about Augusta Precious Metals by clicking here

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